Ellen T. Kurtzman, MPH
Since its inception, INQRI has funded rigorous research to develop, test, and improve performance measures that capture nurses' contributions to high quality, cost-effective care. From the beginning, program support emphasized projects that would contribute to the science of nursing and inform key priority areas for which no measures--or inadequate measures--existed.
Since its inception, INQRI has funded rigorous research to develop, test, and improve performance measures that capture nurses' contributions to high quality, cost-effective care. From the beginning, program support emphasized projects that would contribute to the science of nursing and inform key priority areas for which no measures--or inadequate measures--existed.

Grantees Marcelline
Harris, PhD, RN and Jack Needleman, PhD, FAAN focused their INQRI project
on refining one of the most controversial measures of nursing-sensitive quality
of care: failure to rescue. Their team developed three revised failure to
rescue measures, one based on discharge data where the diagnosis was not coded
as "present on admission" and two based on data where the diagnosis
was coded as "present on admission."
Clarke, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, Doug Sloane, PhD, and their INQRI team analyzed
how a number of the NQF nursing sensitive measures track with each other. For
example, the team wanted to uncover if staffing and practice environment
measures could predict the quality of care received by patients. Researchers merged survey data and patient
outcomes data from about 600 hospitals in three states with new performance
measures disseminated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on
the Hospital Compare website.
Of course, these are just three examples of the impact that
INQRI programs have had in the field of measurement....there are many more that
have made lasting contributions.
Certainly, as implementation of the Affordable Care Act proceeds and as
health care continues to be more transparent and accountable, providers,
payers, health care practitioners, and policymakers will need to draw from the
rich work of these investigators and the INQRI legacy.
Ellen T. Kurtzman is
assistant research professor in the School of Nursing at The George Washington
University. For nearly a decade, she has been working in the field of patient
safety and health care quality. Prior to her arrival at GW, she was the architect
of National Quality Forum-endorsed™ (NQF) consensus standards for measuring
nursing’s contribution to quality. While at NQF, Ms. Kurtzman also led national
efforts to establish hospital and home health care quality and performance
standards. In advancing these causes, she has published and presented on
nursing performance measurement, public reporting, and quality issues. She is
also a former member of INQRI’s National Advisory Committee.
Thanks for the article.