We spent an incredibly busy couple of days together in Princeton! INQRI's Fourth Annual Meeting featured tips for using social media, a keynote address entitled "Disruption" by Bob Brook, stirring remarks from RWJF president, Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, project overviews from our new finalists, 2 panels from our Cohort 3 teams, an update on the National Quality Forum's nurse-sensitive measures, an introduction of the Intiative on the Future of Nursing, and of course: the presentation of research findings!
Our 12 Cohort 2 teams are in the final stages of their work and shared their outcomes with us.
“Linking Processes of Nursing Care and Patient Safety Outcomes: An Analysis of the Cause and Effect of Safe Practice”
John Welton and Richard Lindrooth
“Nursing-Pharmacy Collaboration on Medication Reconciliation: A Novel Approach to Information Management”
Linda Costa and Bob Feroli
“Quality and Cost Outcomes of Hospital Supplemental Nurse Staffing”
Ying Xue
“Examining the Impact of Nursing Structures and Processes on Medication Errors”
Linda Flynn and Dong Suh
“Nursing Care Quality in Acute Care Hospitals: New Linkages to Patient Outcomes”
Arlyss Anderson Rothman and Adams Dudley
“Nursing Workforce Impact on Performance Improvement in the CMS/Premier Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration Project [HQID]”
Presented for the team by Doug Wholey
“Acuity-adjusted Staffing, Nurse Practice Environments and NICU Outcomes”
Eileen Lake and Jeannette Rogowski
“Quality of Pediatric Nursing Care from the Children's Perspective”
Nancy Ryan-Wenger and Bill Gardner
“Rural Hospital Quality Collaborative on Evidence-Based Nursing”
Robin Newhouse and Laura Morlock
“Translating Fall Risk Status into Interventions to Prevent Patient Falls”
Patti Dykes and Stuart Lipsitz
“Impact of System-Centered Factors, and Processes of Nursing Care on Fall Prevalence and Injuries from Falls”
Marita Titler and Leah Shever
“A Quality and Cost Analysis of Nurse Practice Predictors of Readiness for Hospital Discharge and Post-Discharge Outcomes”
Marianne Weiss and Olga Yakusheva
For information on these projects, please visit our website.
The hidden financial burdens shaping modern medicine
15 hours ago
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