Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Patient Sensor Improves Pressure-Ulcer Prevention Compliance
A three month study of a wearable ulcer prevention technology showed that it was effective in preventing the occurrence of pressure ulcers by increasing adherence to established protocols, according to Leaf Healthcare, Inc., the company that developed the device.
The Leaf system is a wearable sensor that electronically monitors a patient's position and movements and then wirelessly communicates the data collected to central monitoring stations or mobile devices so that nurses and other caregivers can check on patient position and movement. The Leaf sensor also will sound alerts when necessary to ensure that all patients are repositioned according to established turning schedules, to reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers.
Results of the clinical trial were presented this month at the American Nurses Credential Center National Magnet Conference in Dallas. The trial found that use of the monitoring device increased compliance with hospital turn protocols from a baseline of 64 percent at the start of the trial, to 98 percent after the system was implemented.
The INQRI funded project “Interdisciplinary Mobility Team Approach to Reduction of Facility-Acquired Pressure Ulcers” developed a sustainable, system-wide program for pressure ulcer prevention that enhances mobility of long-term care (LTC) residents. The primary goal, under nursing's leadership, was to reduce LTC facility-acquired pressure ulcer incidence by 50 percent using a cost-effective innovative program to increase resident active or passive movement. The team, which developed and implemented a program that involved using musical cues to remind residents to move or staff to help residents move, was led by Tracey Yap, a nurse researcher, and Jay Kim, an engineer.
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