Congratulations to INQRI's program director, Mary D. Naylor, PhD, RN, FAAN, who will be honored this evening at the Friends of the National Institute of Nursing Research (FNINR) Gala when she is presented with the FNINR President’s Award. This award is presented for having achieved a sustained program of research in the area of health intervention research.
Dr. Naylor is the Marian S. Ware Professor in Gerontology at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing. Since 1990, Dr. Naylor has led an interdisciplinary program of research designed to improve the quality of care, decrease unnecessary hospitalizations and reduce health care costs for vulnerable community-based elders. To date, Dr. Naylor and her research team have completed three National Institutes of Health funded randomized clinical trials testing the Advanced Practice Nurse Transitional Care Model, an innovative approach to addressing the needs of high risk chronically-ill elders and their caregivers. With the support of The Commonwealth Fund, the Jacob & Valeria Langeloth Foundation and the John A. Hartford Foundation, this research team has recently partnered with a major insurance organization and health care organization to promote widespread adoption of this proven model of care coordination. An ongoing clinical trial funded by the Marian S. Ware Alzheimer Program and the National Institute on Aging has expanded testing of this model of care with hospitalized cognitively impaired elders and their caregivers. Additionally, Dr. Naylor and colleagues have just launched a study funded by the National Institute on Aging and the National Institute for Nursing Research that will examine over time the natural history of changes in health and quality of life among elders newly admitted to long term care settings or services. In recognition of her research and leadership, Dr. Naylor has received numerous awards. In 2005, Dr. Naylor was elected to the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine. She also is a member of the RAND Health Board, the National Quality Forum Board of Directors and the immediate past-chair of the Board of the Long-Term Quality Alliance. She was appointed to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission in 2010.
For information about the FNINR and the other awards that will be presented this evening, please visit
their website.
click here for more information about Dr. Naylor's program of research.
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